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Tackling Large Surf

The ease of use and power of the latest kite technology allows many kiters to get out in waves that they would never consider paddling out into.... Read More...

Kitesurfing with a Leash

The leash debate in kitesurfing is contentious, but from my experience, the board leash has become an essential piece of equipment when packing for a trip.... Read More...

Unhooking in the Waves

The idea of unhooking in the waves and blasting down the line with just one hand hanging on to your bar can sound pretty overwhelming to some riders.... Read More...

Twin Tip Tack

The Twin Tip Tack is a great way to change directions without loosing any ground downwind and is basically a low backroll transition.... Read More...

Riding Toeside

Even for many seasoned riders, riding toeside seems to be an elusive skill, not because it’s hard to do, but because it’s hard to do well.... Read More...

Where Does the Kite Leash Go?

Many kites ship with multiple options for where you should connect your safety leash, but it’s not always completely clear which attachment is the best for you.... Read More...