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The Kiteboarder Magazine video features.

VIDEO: Tappin’ n Rollin’

July saw the yearly SSS roll into town in Cape Hatteras. Steez teamed up with Nate Appel from Cineaptic to bring you some of the bonks, jibs, rolls, and hits that went down.... Read More...

VIDEO: Cape Verde

Kirsty Jones organized a trip to explore the Cape Verde Islands with current world champion Airton Cozzolino. She spent time living in an ethnic tent, a five star yacht, and a surf hostel in areas of Cape Verde far from the beaten track. What followed was a two-week lifestyle surf trip with some stunning scenery.... Read More...

VIDEO: Johnny Heineken Profiled

Video profile of US rider John Heineken, current World Champion kite racer. This profile has been shot during the PKRA 2012 in Mexico, Playa del Carmen, first tour stop of the PKRA World Tour.... Read More...