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The kite is supplied in the 4-line bridled mode ideally suited for waveriding and freeride. This hybrid mode allows the kite maximum depower and flyable wind range, making it perfect for big fun, waveriding and jumping. In the 4-line mode the Ion2 allows massive depower and easy airtime. It turns quickly, has a huge wind range and soaks up the gusts smoothly. You will be able to try new tricks with confidence. The safety is fantastic, just let go of the bar and the kite depowers by 90% and sits at the edge of the window for effortless relaunch. The Ion2 can be quickly changed from this setup to a 5-line configuration (supplied in the bag).

The switch between the two setups takes a matter of minutes can be done with ease on the beach. One kite, that delivers two riding styles the Ion2 by Flexifoil.

For full information on the kite and to learn more about Flexifoil – please visit www.flexifoil.com