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How to Pack Like a Kitesurfing Journalist

I travel a lot in my role as Editor of The Kiteboarder and I often get asked about what I take with me. Over the years I've been able to really narrow down what I need and now I pack the same basic kit no matter where I go or for how long.... Read More...

The KUZI Project: 500 Miles. 50+ Islands. Two Old Friends.

In just five days, Seth Warren and Kirk Harris will embark on the KUZI Project -- a 500-mile self supporting journey up the coast of East Africa. Fueled by the Kuzi trade wind, a summertime force that pushes wind and swell from the Indian Ocean northward, the team will paddle and kiteboard this extensive stretch of coastline exploring its adjacent islands and remote, pristine coastal areas.... Read More...

Grenadine Islands Travel Info

The Kiteboarder Magazine Volume 10, Number 2 features a trip to the Grenadine Islands with the Epic Kites team. Want to do a similar trip? Here's what you need to know.... Read More...