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By Paul Lang

Many kiteboarders have discovered how much fun riding a surfboard-style directional board can be, but many of those who haven’t are intimidated by having to learn how to jibe. Fear not! It’s really not as hard as you might think it is. After a little practice, you’ll be able to ditch that twin tip and carve some real turns!

  1. Approach the turn with moderate speed and direct the kite up to the top of the window. Don’t direct the kite too quickly or it will just pull you off the board.
  2. As the kite reaches the top of the window, dive it down in the new direction as you follow the kite with the nose of your board.
  3. Once stable on your toeside edge, hold the kite high (about 60° above the water) and get ready to switch your feet.
  4. Moving your feet has to happen in one quick and fluid movement. Think about being light on your feet and just go for it. Move your back foot up next to your front foot, and move your old front foot to the back of the board while turning your body to face the kite.
  5. Dive the kite to ride away with speed.


  • You’ll have more success learning the toeside jibe in flat water.
  • Don’t pause in the middle of switching your feet. You will fall. Switching your feet has to be done in one fluid motion.
  • Wait until the turn is completed and you are stable riding on your toeside edge before switching your feet.
  • Carve a harder turn and throw more spray by entering the turn with more speed and by throwing more weight into your back foot during the turn.