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Lift Foils just launched their new website!

It’s now easier than ever to point and click your way into hydrofoiling.

This is just the beginning… Hydrofoiling is literally taking off and Lift is continuing their commitment to new designs and experiences through foiling. Just wait and see what they have in store. It is going to be a smooth and exciting ride (just like Lift’s hydrofoils)!

The hydrofoil offers a new feeling to kitesurfing and opens the sport to a much larger range of conditions. If you can keep a kite in the air, you can go out and ride. The dramatic increase in efficiency from a traditional board to a hydrofoil allows you to explore new areas and sensations. Sailing upwind and downwind is effortless, which allows the rider an unlimited sailing area.

Lift does custom creations tailored to a rider’s individual style. This process has allowed them to fine tune their designs and develop the best equipment on the water. By combining advanced tools with skilled artistic labor, the possibilities are endless. From efficient production to one­ off custom creations, Lift strives to express innovation and artistic creativity.

Check out their new website here: https://www.liftfoils.com

Complete Assembly

Complete Assembly

Read up on Lift’s latest products in the TKB 2015 Buyers Guide or the TKB Review here.